
Brian and Michael in Florida

My twin bro, Michael, came to visit me in Florida in June 2006.

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Michael and I didn't make any movies when we were together in Florida...but I did happen take a ton of pictures! So I hope you enjoy them as well as this fake movie poster.

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I just happened to drive by the airport and whad-da-ya-know my twin bro was there!

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Michael thought if he stood still he would blend in with the environment and I wouldn't see him, but as you can see he is fairly bright compared to the darkness.

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Eventually he stood still long enough to blend in and I had trouble searching for him.

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About six hours later I spotted him and told him to get in the car because I might get towed.

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Michael had a hard time adjusting to the new environment of the inside of an automobile.

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Michael is almost fully adjusted to this new environment as his body turns into the same color of the car.

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There's a few ways to tell both of us a part and one of the ways is that Michael has a cyborg eye.

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Michael is also known as Mr. Popular and apparently I can't see him again.

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Michael thinks, "I've seen bigger Universal Studios globes in my day."

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Then I got back at him and said, "YO MAMA is a globe!"

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Michael looked away from the City Walk sign because it was a little too bright.

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So we fixed that immidiately.

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Here's Michael right before he passed out on the fancy blow up mattress in my bedroom.

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We just woke up or something.

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Michael looking at pictures or something.

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Michael found a picture he likes or something.

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We took the long journey over to where I work.

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My neck looks gross.

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Michael can't handle my gross neck anymore.

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A few hours later we got to St. Augustine and checked out the beach scene.

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My neck still looks gross.

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Michael had a few relatives that stopped by to say hello.

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Michael looks a little awkard in this picture. I don't know if it's the angle of the camera, but it's most likey the fact that Michael is just as gross as my neck.

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Yeah, it's not the camera...it's definitely Michael looking gross like my neck.

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Michael always checks for urine before fully entering into a large area of water.

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A few more of Michael's relatives stopped by to see how a good beach urine search is done.

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About 48 minutes later Michael detected something warm.

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It's hard to find a urine-free environment.

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Michael never did find the person who took a pee in the ocean.

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Michael fantasizes how life must be as a sailor.

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Some lady came up to us and wanted to take a picture of us. After that she asked if we had a smoke since we look like the smoking type.

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I don't look like I really want to be on the beach and Michael needs to get back into the Matrix.

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Micheal starts to mope about not being able to find the Matrix.

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"Let's go...we're no where near the Matrix."

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It's hard to know where you park on the beach when everything looks the same.

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After getting through eight sand dunes, two sand storms and seven hurricanes we finally found the car and Michael needed to power down.

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Still chargin' up.

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Charging complete. Begin Daytona Beach excursion.

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Here we are chillin' at Daytona...LOOK OUT LADIES!

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Here is the best shadow shot I have ever taken in my entire life.

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They had a very accurate display of Michael up on the wall at this resturaunt.

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Michael wants to delete the picture but I don't know what the big deal was...it's just an accurate display of himself.

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Checking out the scene.

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Good job Michael! You found the beach!

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I asked someone to take this picture and then afterwards I asked for a smoke.

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Another fine accurate display of Michael Hogan.

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Michael attacked me and tried to spray some ink.

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When Michael gets mad his head sorta looks like a big fist.

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Twins in the car.

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We went to Kissimmee later that afternoon because they have a Giordano's, which is our favorite place to get some good Chicago style pizza.

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After dinner we went over to Walt Disney World since it was pretty close and it happens to be the happiest place on Earth.

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I was in the perfect condition for the happiest place on Earth.

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Michael may have lived in several areas of Chicago and New York City, but there is no way to be prepared for the West Side of Downtown Disney.

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We are now in the West Side and there is no turning back.

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Michael doesn't know what to think about this place.

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But he better watch out for the House of Blues building because it's about to fall over.

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The House of Blues toppled over but luckily no one was hurt except some dude in a Mickey costume.

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It appears there was a display of Michael's latest and greatest album.

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Michael is just your normal smilin' kinda guy.

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Until he busts out the cyborg eye!

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We're walking by another fine display of my brother.....

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...but then Michael realized what I was trying to take a picture of.

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He tried to get away but you can still see the resemblance.

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Here's another view.

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This pirate skull came up to me and said, "QUIT YE FLASH PHOTOGRAPHIN'!!! ARRR...YE BEEN WARNED!!!! True story.

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I told Michael about my true story and he totally believed me.

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"Does this sorcerer hat makes me look fat?"

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This is Michael thinking "oh crap, Brian's going to take another picture of me when I'm right in front of another accurate display featuring mysself!" Michael tried to duck down but he wasn't fast enough and I got this awesome reaction. Afterwards he punched me in the back, which I don't think is allowed in the happiest place on Earth.

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Me and Buzz get a picture together.

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After the picture Buzz was trying to get a little intimate and I had to explain to him I don't swing that way.

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He wasn't taking "no" for an answer so I had to scram.

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Buzz had his love sight set on Michael, but he also managed to get away just in time.

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Michael checks out the SNL Trivial Pursuit board games and is looking extra cool.

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This is basically Donald Duck's impression of Michael on vaction.

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Michael was furious when he saw a Disney Christmas store and there was NOTHING for the Jews, Buddists and Shintoists.

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Heh, heh.....Pooh Corner.

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Hey look, it's that accurate display of Michael Hogan again.

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Michael was a little too late on that one.

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So it's the next morning and now we're at Universal Studios ready to ride the movies or something.

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Once Michael decides to put his arm down and continues to walk under the bridge our adventure will offically begin.

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The day has offically begun at Islands of Adventure.

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It hasn't even been a few minutes yet and I've already made some comment to make Michael mad.

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Michael tries to hold in his anger for the picture.

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Here is the first accurate display we saw off in the distance of Michael.

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The first ride is The Hulk.

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After rattling our heads on The Hulk roller coaster we bumped into Michael's ex-boyfriend Captain America. It was a little awkward.

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Michael doesn't like to remember those days.

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Here's a pretty good picture of me, Michael and the ex-boyfriend in the Comic Island.

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Michael would not stop saying that while we were in the Toon Lagoon island.

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This is what I get for hanging on to someone's dog as a favor.

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While I was on my own ride holding on to a dog's leash, Michael decided to blow up a chunk of the island to pass the time.

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Here we come Dino-Land island!

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Michael pushed me down and ran off hoping to find another cartoon Hush-A-Bomb.

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We managed to get on the Jurassic Park River Adventure ride and we were 100% sure that we would no longer see anymore dinosaurs.

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Michael isn't too sure about this now.

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We ended up seeing some dinos after all.

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This one looked more gross than my neck.

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Michael got scared when the raptor cage almost fell on top of us.

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It looks like a raptor escaped and instead of running for his life Michael takes a picture.

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Here's Michael acting like a raptor now.

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We just went down the drop and Michael seems to be explaining what just happened by using one hand.

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Another relative perhaps?

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Now we're in the Lost Continent island...Michael is on the left.

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To prepare for the Dueling Dragons ride we must refresh ourselves with tonic and elixir!

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It appears the tonic and elixir have a few side effects.

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After dueling it out Michael decides to talk on ye old cell phone.

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My brother is practically a god here at the Lost Continent island.

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Of course Michael doesn't want to make a big deal about it.

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Here we are...Michael, myself and Michael's spewing monument.

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Our next stop is Suess Landing where all crazy types of Michael can also be found.

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We had no idea Woody Woodpecker was so freakin' huge.

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We may be leaving Islands of Adventure, but the adventure still lives on inside all of us.

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Michael can't seem to hop over this kitty.

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This will most likely be featured in the latest vacation brochure.

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This one won't though because of my ugly mug.

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Playin' da field out on City Walk.

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The Universal globe was on fire so we took a quick picture before it burnt down.

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We were pretty sure this arc thing was going to crumble to bits so we took a quick picture before it collapsed.

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We had enough time to take another one.

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Now it's time to check out this Universal Studios place.

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As you can see there's a fine mural of Michael on one of the studio walls.

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The Donkey from Shrek wouldn't shut up when we took the picture, but that was okay because unlike in the movie he was actually funny this time. OOOHHHHH.....DIS!!!

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We went to the pub with our buddy Shrek and got totally smashed.

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Here's a statue of the Wolfman doing a pretty good impressionof Michael serving pizza.

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Michael is a little creeped out being in NYC all by himself.

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King Kong is long gone but there's a Mummy ride so that will have to do.

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We just got off the Mummy ride and don't have a clue what to think of it.

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If there's one thing that I find hilarious it's when Michael gets his head eaten by a fake dead shark.

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This game looks like Michael.

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Here we are with the Back to the Future time machine before we stole it and went two years into the future to see us pursue our dream as telemarketers.

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We found a guy who did a really bad impression of Doc so we got a picture.

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"GEEZ...what a horrible impression of Doc Brown!"

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This part of Universal Studios is dedicated entirely to Michael.

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HA! Michael didn't know there was another side to the sign.

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Are you keeping count of how many Michael Hogan spottings there are?

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If there's one ride Michael hated it's Men In Black.

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Michael usually isn't one to get star struck BUT THE BLUES BROTHERS!!! WOWZA!!!!!

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I'd say I held my breath underwater but you can see the carpet so it sorta takes away the illusion.

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Here's that mural again.

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I think this is when Michael finally got tired of me taking pictures of him in front of ridiculous things.

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We're back for another adventure at the non-Universal Studios park.

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The adventure begins!

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Michael doesn't notice what I'm taking a picture of...

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...still doesn't notice anything...

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...and now he does.

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We stopped at the finest amusment park resaurant there is and Michael is enjoying his urine-free beverage.

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It's not as funny when it's urine-free.

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Not even the solids had a trace of urine! This is some fancy amusement park restaurant.

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It's serious business for me when it's time to eat urine-free food.

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It's a good thing we looked away while that nuclear bomb went off. Unfortunately the waiter who took the picture is now permanently blind.

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The park looked like it was still intact even after that nuclear bomb.

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But then a chunk of that restaurant was about to fall on us and then this rock dude came and saved us. I have a high respect for rock dudes now.

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Michael starts swearing up a storm now that we are back in the Toon Lagoon island.

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Here we are on a log ride and Michael isn't too sure about how he likes being in front.

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Twins on a log ride.

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It's been a little while since another Michael spotting.

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Michael got soaked from a little drop...hopefully this water was also urine-free.

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Yeah...it's getting too easy.

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Uh oh...looks like a drop is up ahead.

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That was one steep (and wet) drop.

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Hey look, it seems like we just can't get enough of the Lost Continent island because we're back there again. And that rock dude failed to keep everything up.

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The sun is setting so we must hurry up and do as much crap as possible.

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Michael didn't feel like walking through City Walk again.

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Back at Universal Studios but that urine-free food was starting to kick in.

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After going on a few more craptacular rides it was night time and the park closed.

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I could have swore that globe was rolling towards me.

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We're back out at City Walk and ready to go back to my place.

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It's the next morning and Michael stars off his day by checking for fleas.

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No fleas and it's time to go.

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Twins in the car.

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We followed this jeep for a while and it crashed into this golf course so we figured we had enough time to play a round.

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Michael doesn't trust me with the camera because who knows what kind of relatives we'll find of his.

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A few minutes later a plane crashed on the golf course to and as you can see Michael is pointing it out for you home viewers.

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We didn't even get to hole 3 yet and that urine-free food wasn't sittin' right.

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I was threatened by the cyborg eye laser.

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Puttin' along.

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I don't care how "sturdy" a bridge is I'm always about to fall over.

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Here's Michael trying to put while I'm bugging him.

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Here's Michael about to beat me with a putter for bugging him.

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Michael knows of only one way to get the ball out of the hole and that is to dig.

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Twenty minutes later he actually got it.

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Here I am playing around with the camera.

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Michael is about to give me a little surprise.

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The surprise was not urine-free food.

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I was knocked out but when I came to Michael came back for more.

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MIchael digs again.

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Hopefully Michael will spew something that is urine-free.

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While we were having fun golfing we also learned that in the congo there is an abundant supply parking lots.

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Michael digs for his ball in the puddle.

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Mission accomplished.

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We had a little bit of time left before Michael had to go to the airport so we went to Lake Eola in downtown Orlando.

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Michael is excited to walk.

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Michael is excited to sit.

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These two are the true twins.

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They even look the same with the cyborg eye.

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This dock seems secure so it gets a thumbs up.

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Not a bad pic, eh?

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Michael can't stop taking pictures of himself.

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Thus concludes our walk around Lake Eola.

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It's time for Michael to leave and it got a little awkward since we are men and we don't know how to say goodbye.

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One last picture together.

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"Okay well, see ya..."

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"...I had a swell time..."

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