
Cedar Point Trip '06

Me and my friends Megan, Holly and Roy planned a trip to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio in July 2006.

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Hanging out in the Orlando airport is so much fun!

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See ya later Orlando airpot!

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I'm pretty sure that thing on the right is the sun and that long metal thing in the middle is a long metal thing.

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The sun and the big metal thing have joined forces!

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Freakin' sweet.

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I couldn't tell what state we were flying over, but whatever it was everyone was gettin' baked down there.

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I had to stop in St. Louis first before getting to Chicago to meet up with friends.

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Here's what I look like when I talk to Holly on the phone while sitting around in St. Louis.

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I had this feeling I was being "watched from above" when I made it to Chicago. Then I realized it was just Roy, Megan and Holly who were just doing their usual stalking.

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I just finished telling Megan how I saw the sun and a big metal thing join forces a few hours ago.

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Roy and Holly are not impressed.

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Megan tries to teach Holly how to be cool but she ain't gettin' it right.

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The first group shot of the weekend!

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The first girly shot of the weekend!

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It's been a while since we've used Chicago public transportation.

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Roy and Holly love it to death.

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We made it to our friend Lauren's house where we were spending the night...I also look huge.

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I grew too much to fit into this picture.

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Holly and Megan checked out the balcony for a while.

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Roy and I came in on the scene hoping we could throw someone over.

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Thankfully a couch broke Megan's fall 'cause it would have been a shame if that wooden floor got all scratched up.

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I brought my computer along so I can store all of the ridiculous pictures from my camera such as this one.

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"The party is just gettin' started guys!"

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It took five minutes for Roy to trash the place and then pass out.

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Roy eventually woke up and kept hogging our only bowl.

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I have never seen Megan so high before...and I've seen her HIGH!

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I've also never seen Holly look like such a mom...and I've seen her look like a MOM!

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It looks like Roy decided to join in with Megan.

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Who needs to go to Cedar Point when we can do crap like this all night long.

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Megan realized how late it was and said, "oh crap, Brian we need to get some zzzzz's."

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Then I exclaimed, "okay gang let's catch those zzzzz's!"

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After getting very few hours of zzzzz's we needed to finally get the rental car to drive to Ohio. The side effects from all that weed made Megan want to do nothing but fight and Roy couldn't stop staring at the ground.

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Holly hasn't been in many of the pictures lately, so I took this one of her before she almost got hit by an automobile.

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Here I am at one of my old college buildings and I couldn't be more excited to see it again.

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Tra la laaaaaa.

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Ain't nothing sexier than lil' Megan whisper sweet nothings into a witches' ear.

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We met up with our old friend Sarah for a little while.

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Hangin' at Columiba...it's what we do.

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My friend Christine picked us all up and was nice enough to give us a ride to the airport so we can get the rental car.

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FINALLY! It's time to blow this popsicle stand and head out to that party state known as Ohio.

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Roy was all about going to party states.

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But first we must go over this rockin' part bridge.But first we must go over this rockin' part bridge.

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At this point I knew I was going the right way since we made it to Indiana.

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This is what Megan looks like in Indiana.

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I love tolls ssssoooooo much.

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It's a good thing Holly was asleep because no one else wanted to pay the toll.

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This picture was just fun to take.

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Megan, myself, Holly and Roy's hand continue to enjoy the journey across the midwest.

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Megan needs to do more navigating and look less artsy.

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HA! Roy gets his picture taken now!

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I probably said something like, "GOOD! Now that Roy's asleep we can actually have a little peace and quiet in the car."

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I think I said "GOOD" a little too loud 'cause Roy is back up 'n runnin'.

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Roy needs to be more sleepy and look less artsy.

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Megan is furious that someone else took her artsy joke!

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We're all awake and certainly not artsy...although Holly may be looking a bit suspicious back there.

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We spotted a Cracker Barrel and Megan was excited to get her grub on.

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But before that we needed to sit down a bit longer.

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Inside it looks like it should be called the CRAPPER BARREL! WHOOAAAA!!!

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Being a gentelmen like myself, it's customary to be polite to a lady...even if it means I'm going to get robbed.

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Indiana Roy helped me out though and we beat the crapper barrel out of that no good rotten lady.

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Roy couldn't keep his eyes off of the hot waitress we had.

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Then Megan gave him the stare down until he started to act like a gentlemen again.

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Roy had enough of that gentlemen crap and busted out the big SLR camera that Megan is frighten of so much.

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Then he started taking pictures of all the hot waitresses.

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Megan refuses to watch.

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Brian and Holly don't know what to say but find the whole thing to be very entertaining.

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Megan loves biscuits.

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Here we are after eating and we didn't feel good afterwards. Next time we'll try not to look so artsy.

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A little better.

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After letting a huge belch like a gentlemen I was ready to get back to driving.

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Check out the manly Adam's apple.

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We finally made it to the grand state of Ohio.

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I always look this cool when I pump gas.

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While I was pumping gas Megan went to get the key to the ladies room so she could freshen up.

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Here is the making of Megan getting the key to the ladies room so she could freshen up.

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I don't know what the heck is going on here.

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We're all refreshed and ready to drive through the poorly lit roads of Ohio.

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Girl moment...I guess.

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We finally made it to our hotel and now Megan is ready to go to sleep.

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Roy isn't tired at all...he's just high.

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Group shot before sleep!

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It took a few times before Roy and I got it down right but we eventually jumped in the air at the same time.

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After way too many unnecessary pictures we FINALLY made it Cedar Point!

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I seem to be unsure about Megan's "pumped up" attitude.

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Our review of the front gate gets one thumb up.

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If there's one thing Holly enjoys it's waiting in line.

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I look even cooler than when I'm pumping gas!

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Warmin' up with our rollercoaster faces.

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We haven't been in the park for fifteen minutes yet and these three act like they own the joint.

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In case you can't see the small unreadable sign in the background our first ride was Millennium Force.

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While we were waiting in line the coaster zoomed by and gave Holly the heebie jeebies.

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Here we are going up 210 feet.

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Probably going about 90 mph here...and yes the camera was practically glued to my arm.

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Maybe this was about 90 mph.

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There's a few good dips on this ride and we're going up one of them right now.

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Megan is thankful we didn't stop at another Cracker Barrel before heading over to the park.

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We fell right into this trap somehow but luckily Roy was able to free us after taking the humiliating picture.

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This mine cart rollercoaster had no line at all so we thought we would go on it and check it out.

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After Millennium Force our expectations were extremely high for every single ride.

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Going up for a HUGE thrill.

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Instead of the ride being scary it's quite enjoyable.

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Look...we were actually going a little fast here.

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Back to checking out the nice view from 30 feet above.

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I shouldn't have said anything about 30 feet above to Megan.

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It appears Roy passed some gas over to Holly.

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Roy loves passing his gas while I tried to take very little breaths.

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Grand finalle.

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We're not sure what the heck that was...but I suppose that's why there wasn't a line.

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It's time to go on something with a little more "kick" so Top Thrill Dragster looked promising with it's 0-120 mph start and 420 feet high track.

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We waited in line for almost two hours and that big thing in the background is basically the ride.

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We took on last group picture in case one of us didn't make it...Megan didn't realize this was higher than 30 feet.

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After being on the ride for about ten seconds we got off and had no clue what the heck just happened.

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Taking a stroll.

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Being annoying.

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Looking confused.

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Holly cools off Megan with an ice cube on her wrist, but for the guys this was HOT!

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We left Holly and the ice cube alone for a little bit.

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Even when the cotton candy is only 25 cents Megan still had to eat someone else's treat.

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Megan and I rode on the carrousel while Roy and Holly went to the car to put their crap away like suckers.

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We may have been way below 30 feet high, but we were probably going just as fast as Top Thrill Dragster.

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We were the coolest people in Ohio at this point...CEDAR POINT!

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Megan and I eventually met up with Holly and Roy again and for some reason Roy felt like punching me in the face.

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While I was knocked out everyone else had some Dippin' Dots to pass the time.

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It's time to KICK THE SKY on Raptor!

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Waiting in line is the best.

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Some guy in front of us insisted he would take a picture of all of us...so here it is.

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The Raptor has been one of my favorite rides for a long time but unfortunately they get a little shaky over the years.

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Roy couldn't handle all of the rides we went on so far and he had to throw up at the nearest fountain.

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It looks like Roy is good to go again.

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Nope, back for seconds.

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We all didn't realize he ate so much cotton candy and Dippin' Dots.

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He make look dead but that's how Roy looks when he's taking a breather.

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It's time to get back on "TRACK" of the schedule.

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The Texan spirit comes out for a moment.

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Holly leaves us behind while we go check out the Mean Streak.

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Roy points out where we would have gone through if there was a huge line.

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Too bad I wasn't watching to see how Roy got into this mess because I'm sure it would have been entertaining.

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Megan thinks it's disgusting and would much rather watch Roy throw up in the fountain again.

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I could not decide what would be better.

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It's almost time to get our streak on.

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Still getting ready for the streak.

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And we just got on streak on.

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Megan has had enough with the steaks.

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Holly loves spinning rides more than Wisconsin cheese and THAT'S IMPRESSIVE!

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Roy doesn't like the look of this to get on the Magnium roller coaster.

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Again, I don't know what to decide.

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Megan politely talks to me how I need to man up and decide on something.

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Here's the ride we waited in line for while I was indecisive the whole time.

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The water tower ride was shut down THE WHOLE DAY!

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Roy demonstrates how a normal person sits.

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It's time to go on the cute little Mantis ride.

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Megan and Roy were bored in a few minutes after waiting in line.

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But Megan snuck in some weed so she was baked in no time.

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It may look like a trick but Roy actually picks his nose and Holly was very impressed.

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Then I was getting ready to do some snot rockets and Holly was even more impressed.

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Holly took this Mantis thing a little too seriously after the ride.

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It's huge and stiff...so Holly is up for riding Power Tower.

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After riding Millennium Force and Top Thrill Dragster again the park finally shut down and we were still walking around owning the joint.

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It looks like someone had some weed left over.

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Then Megan started to flash the camera.

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And Roy tried calling the state of Mississippi.

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Megan passed out a few minutes later and Roy couldn't decide what to do to her ear.

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The only effects Holly gets from weed is the shifting of her eyebrows.

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Holly found Roy's puke in the fountain!

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We thought it would be a nice picture for us to remember that one time when Roy puked in the fountain and then Holly finding it a few hours later.

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Back to "Crazy Baked Meg" again.

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It looks like I was the only one who wasn't high at this point.

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After a long day of amusement park fun it's time to leave Cedar Point.

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It's the next day and it's time to head back!

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A few minutes later Holly and Roy start talking with their real friends on their cell phones.

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According to our religion Megan and I don't believe in cell phones.

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While we stopped to get gas Holly had to find her other cell phone battery.

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Megan started to look at this interesting device.

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Megan broke the rules of whatever religion she belonged to before and has now joined Holly's cult.

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We made it back to Indiana, which was good because I was certain at this point I was going the right way once again.

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HOO-RA!!! It's Indiana everyone!

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Now that Megan uses cell phones she also needed to get a wicked tatoo from McDonald's to complete her membership of the cult.

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We're back in Chicago and it's time to unpack.

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One last group shot of the whole gang!

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Holly went to the airport to say goodbye.

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I'm all Holly-less now it's time for me to find my flight and get back to the sunshine state by Monday morning!