
Castillo de San Marcos Exploration

My friend Nils and I got away from Orlando for a day and went up north to St. Augustine. One of the things we did was visit an old fort called Castillo de San Marcos. Here's da pics!

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Piisshhh...they call this a fort?

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I can't believe they call this a fort.

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Nils points out the fort.

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"We're goin' in da fort!"

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This is where people slept and urinated in the fort.

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Somebody didn't put away their toys after play time.

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It's very calm in the eye of Castillo de San Marcos.

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This is where people cooked and urinated in the fort.

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This was the very first bowling ball ever created.

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The billboard crept up behind me and did a stick up. A negotiator came and got him to surrender though so everything was okay. His name was Todd and he really wasn't that bad of a guy...but I'm sure he was sentenced to be executed by sun down.

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A good view behind steel rods is the best!

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This is the fancy room.

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Nils escapes through a secert tunnel to get away from me.

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But he ended up finding me waiting around for him.

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Me pretending to be scared of a ghost called "The Ghost of San Marcos," which is a name I just made up and have no idea if it's real or not.

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Back in the calm ghost-free eye of the fort.

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Nils isn't sure which door leads to the mens room.

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We're on the second floor.

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Here is a picture of Nils taking a picture of a canon.

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I can't believe how ridiculous that last picture was.

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Tis a nice day to be out on the harbor.

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That tower is lookin' mighty erect.

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Still erect.

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Nils and I have sworn to never speak of the erect tower EVER AGAIN.

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Here's me with my new buddy Canny.

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Canny likes to be worn as a hat.

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Nils was dying to try out Canny.

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A few minutes later I realized that's all Canny wanted to do and I was disappointed.

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Then we started talking and found out we have a lot in common.

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Pretty soon we became best buds and had some drinks.

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Nils found another canon to be friends with.

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But after a few drinks he threw up in his new friend.

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Then some make believe soldiers came and they took over our fort that we once owned for five minutes.

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They threatend to aim for the sun and destory it, which meant the entire planet would be doomed.

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So we surrendered that no good rotten fort and left, but planet Earth owes us BIG TIME!

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