
A Trip to Kennedy Space Center and Ormond Beach

I went to the Kennedy Space Center for $10 and then drove north to Ormond Beach afterwards.

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You can't say no to a place like A&W for lunch on a trip...especially when it's in a shack with Long John Silvers next to it.

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Ain't no shacks around here.

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Finally, I get to live my dream of sticking my head in a hole with faceless astronauts.

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If there's one thing that NASA stands by it's good parallel parking.

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The staff at Kennedy are very welcoming, they just ask that you take off your shoes when you get in the shuttle.

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Couldn't tell if this fella was dead or fake...most likely my first thought since it's logical.

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This area seemed to be a tad bit homosexual.

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After all of these years some of these rockets are still loaded. I totally lost my shoes from that!

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This family were test subjects before they froze Han Solo in Return of the Jedi. Maybe one day they too will also be thawed out.

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Not a big fan of the Mars exhibit.

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I had enough of the Space Center and it's homosexual rockets.

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TWINS at Ormond Beach.

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One twin was scared of another twin's shadow.

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A foot print of an Ormond Beach Monster.

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My wussy twin foot next to the Ormond Beach Monster foot print.

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Me being a scared and wussy twin.

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Time to make some twin trax and get outta here!

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