Julie and I decided to make a sign for Rowdy (Dallas Cowboys) so we pulled up a picture on that thing called the internet.

Julie studies the character very carefully.....

.....while I draw his mug as fast as I can.

The sign is now approved by my thumb.

Ray stopped by Julie's place and was welcomed by the approved sign.

We all made it to the Amway Arena...including my big mouth.

It was a beautiful sight to see as we walked into the arena and the games have already begun.

Me and Ray were getting a little excited.

As we walked over to our seats on the floor a few of the mascots were resting up for the next round.

Chomps (Cleveland Browns) is apparently hard of hearing.

Stuff (Orlando Magic) and Knightro (University of Central Florida) were ready to knock their opponents off the beams as they try to walk across.

I'm ready to see some MASCOT BLOOD...and so is Julie.

Bucky Badger (University of Wisconsin) gets nailed in his huge fluffy chin.

Bucky shed a few tears but his team members told him to suck it up and be a manly mascot.

Junction Jack (Houston Astros) decides to walk aimlessly around the field.....

.....and Globey (Harlem Globetrotters) kept bugging the fans for spare change.

Later on, Fin (Vancouver Canucks) and the head referee were going to have a freestyle rap battle, but Fin declined since he knew the crowd wasn't ready for his fresh sound off the streets.

Stuff came on by and begged the crowd to pull him out of the game but no one could hear his muffled voice.

Ray, me and Julie show off our mascot poses.

Globey was doing his happy dance because someone gave him a half dollar.

Knightro hates it when Globey dances, so he vowed to one day track down the generous fan and strike him or her down with his mighty plastic weapon.

Most of the mascots have decided it's break time.....

.....while the rest of the mascots break it down with a freaky long legged ref.

It is now time for the FINAL EVENT!

I took this rare opportunity to take a picture of a dog next to an alligator without getting eaten.

Ray rocks out while we wait for the final scores to be tallied.

The referee announces to the scores for each team.....

.....AND OUR TEAM WON!!!!!

Rangers Captain (Texas Rangers) was strutting on by and acted like he owned the place.....

.....but his ego didn't reach a point where he wouldn't want to take a photo with me.

Me and Julie got a picture with Globey and were a little annoyed that he kept asking for five dollars from both of us.

Stuff is a busy mascot but he was nice enough to take a picture with me before backflipping down the aisles.

The main event for this blog was pretty much over and done with by now, but I was still being stalked by Tiffany Wieder (#1 BriGuyHogie blog fan).

Erik Wieder (the husband of Tiffany Wieder (#1 BriGuyHogie blog fan)) can't believe his wife was caught stalking Brian Hogan on camera.

But in the blink of an eye I was bolting down the hallway. Never to be seen again by the Wieder's that afternoon.

As I reduced my bolting speed to a screeching halt I ended up right outside by the fountains and tried my best to not get soaked.

Julie thought the fountain looked like fun, so she slid right on in while I was still worried about getting dampened shorts.

Ray waited patiently for the both of us by lounging in his fold out furniture he always carries around.

Then Ray decided to be a gentlemen and picked a few flowers for the lady.

It's time to head out in a uproarious fashion.

When we got back to Julie's place we took a group picture with the sign we ended up forgetting to take with us.

Then Ray thought it was a good time for a power nap.

Julie thought Ray had a good idea so she tried it out herself.

I also thought it was a good idea because it gave me the opportunity to steal as much food as I wanted in Julie's pantry.

But I wasn't quiet enough since Julie chased me while I was heading out the front door with her food.

I got away this time but Julie vowed to track me down and will most likely get Knightro (University of Central Florida) to help her with my capture.